Hotel Labuan

JTK Consult (JTK) was engaged by Hotel Labuan Sdn. Bhd. to provide specialist consultancy to inspect the structural condition of the building where significant cracking most visible at the basement columns and ground floor beams had been a problem for sometime.  A detailed study of the 11-storey building indicated that the cracks were primarily due to differential settlement which had occurred between the tower and podium block.

The scope of work included review of previous investigations, interpretation of monitoring results, a detailed building condition audit, structural assessment and a detailed ground investigation and reference to all available existing information. A full design development was undertaken to understand the shortfalls and to develop options for reinstatement.

The JTK consultancy led to the determination of the structural condition of the building.  Rehabilitation options with budgetary provisions to achieve the design life of the building were presented to the client.


Hotel Labuan Sdn Bhd
Services We Provided

Structural Design and Technical Support:

Forensic Engineering and Remedial Solutions:
condition audit and structural investigation

Ref: 809801/95/r7337

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