PAM Building, Bangsar

JTK Consult (JTK) was engaged by Al-Ambia Sdn.Bhd. to undertake an independent review of the issue of cracking at column beam interfaces at the PAM building. The 10 Storey building was to be the future headquarters for Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia (PAM).

In early December 2015, the main contractor Al-Ambia discovered numerous cracks at the column / beam interface locations of the building. The building was still under construction at the time of investigation. JTK was required to investigate the causes of these cracks and the effects on structural integrity.

A computer model was developed in order to analyse the building and ensure that the structural design was adequate. The analysis confirmed that the local connection details between the column and beam interfaces were a problem and required remedial action. Additional reinforcement and steel brackets were proposed to increase the structural capacity at the cracked interface areas. The remedial works proceeded accordingly prior to completion and hand over of the building.

Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur
Al-Ambia Sdn Bhd
Services We Provided

Forensic Engineering and Remedial Solutions:
defects and failure investigation, remedial design and implementation

Ref: 1339/15/r7485

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